Surgery in Granbury, Glen Rose, and Weatherford for Sinus disease, tonsils, cancer, ears

ENT symptoms occur from being outside as well as inside.

Treating patients so you can go back to healthy living.

Surgery in Granbury, Glen Rose, and Weatherford for Sinus disease, tonsils, cancer, ears
the Field in
Ear Nose and Throat Disease
Sinus and Allergy Disease
News //
In the past 15 years, we have:
Had over 75000 office visits
Given 20000+ allergy shots
Completed over 5000 surgeries
Restored the senses of hearing, smell, and taste. Treated thousands of cancer patients.
and so much more....
And Now we have started our own Private Practice:
4425 E US 377, Suite 104
Granbury, TX 76049
Videos 1
Videos 1

Video //
Sinus Disease Video
Sinus information video
The sinuses can be very intricate and complicated. An experienced sinus surgeon can help in attempting to diagnose and treat your symptoms
Texas Sinus and Allergy employs cutting edge technology to treat your Ear, Nose, and Throat issues.
Onsite hearing testing and vestibular testing to evaluate for middle ear causes of dizzyness and vertigo
Onsite Allergy Testing. Dr. Bhaloo is a Fellow with the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy.
To Schedule An Appointment
Call 682-936-4081
Ear Nose Throat
- Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery
- Advanced Sinus Diagnositc Equipment
- Hoarseness, Difficulty Swallowing
- Difficulty hearing
- Neck Mass evaluation

What You Need to Know
Before Choosing a Surgeon
- Knowing the right questions to ask
- When is the right time to have surgery
- Exploring non-invasive alternatives

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